Cost of Dental Implants

Understanding the Cost of Your Implant Treatment

Are you considering dental implants in Plattsburgh? It’s important that you receive all of the information that you need before committing to treatment. You may be wondering about cost or even researching it online, but these numbers can often be misguiding. That’s why we’ve included some necessary information about the cost of dental implants and the variables that can influence the price of treatment. Keep reading to learn more about these factors and how they can affect your treatment.

Types of Dental Implants

The type of dental implants that you need will directly affect the overall cost of your treatment. This is because the number of dental implants that your mouth requires is what incurs the bulk of the cost.

If you have a single tooth that’s missing, we can use an implant-retained crown to replace it. This involves just one dental implant, mounted with a custom-made crown to complete your smile. For consecutive missing teeth, we can support a dental bridge with implants. And, for those missing all of their teeth, we can use an implant-supported denture to replace their whole smile. Each of these types of dental implants and their restorations will have their own cost, which is why estimates can only be given after we have examined your mouth.

What are the Stages of Dental Implant Treatment?

Implant-retained bridge

Each stage of your dental implant treatment has a unique cost, which is why it’s important to understand the entire procedure. First, you’ll come into our office for an initial consultation, where Dr. Davis will carefully examine the condition of your oral health, the strength of your jawbone, and the number of teeth that you’re missing. After, he will be able to develop a personalized treatment plan and schedule your implant surgery.

Next, you’ll come into our office, where Dr. Davis will make small incisions in your gums to access your jawbone. After drilling tiny holes, he will place your dental implants. Then, we will wait at least 3 to 4 months for your implants to completely fuse to your jawbone. During this time, you’ll wear a temporary restoration to maintain your appearance.

Lastly, you’ll come back into our office, and our periodontist in Plattsburgh will ensure that you’re happy with your results before permanently placing your restoration. Then, you can walk out of our office with a beautiful, strong, and healthy set of teeth.

Are Dental Implants Worth the Investment?

Man smiling in dental chair

While dental implants do tend to come with a higher price tag than many other treatments, their unique health, function, and aesthetic benefits make them well worth the investment. They allow you to eat and smile with confidence, but dental implants are also the only replacement that prevents your jawbone from deteriorating after tooth loss. This benefit alone will save you money in the future from treatments relating to a weakened jawbone. Plus, dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care, which will save you money down the road by avoiding replacements for other solutions.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Older woman smiling

Unfortunately, most dental insurance plans don’t cover dental implants, however, it’s possible that some aspects of the procedure are covered. The initial consultation and even periodontal therapy can be covered by insurance, but it all depends on your plan. Our team is experienced at maximizing your dental insurance benefits to minimize your out of pocket costs. We also offer financing options to ensure that all of our patients can receive this lifechanging treatment.